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North Carolina and Associate with  experience that span through years have provided feasible and reliable solutions. We are instrumental in solving learning, records and management problems for primary / secondary schools across the country.

Information is the “catalyst for TRANSFORMATION”

Executive Summary

In the 21st century, understanding and using technology will be an integral part of virtually every aspect of daily life. It is the school system's responsibility to prepare students for this future. The classroom is the primary place where this preparation will occur; therefore, every classroom must be equipped with diverse technologies to support teaching and learning. Every Educator must be knowledgeable and skilled in the use of these technologies in daily instruction. When integrated into instruction, technology will support new strategies for teaching and learning by:
• addressing diverse learning styles,
• accommodating individual learning rates,
• encouraging cooperative learning,
• helping students accept responsibility for their learning,
• providing the means to communicate globally, and
• improving academic achievement in all areas.


The use of technology in instruction changes the structure of the classroom. No longer will the Educator rely solely on the traditional lecture/seat work method of instruction. In a technology-rich, learner-centered classroom, the Educator serves as a facilitator of instruction, mentor, and coach. Technology will provide a record of the student's academic history and the ways to manage learning progress and activities. Educators have the data and information needed to individualize instruction and assessment as well as make other important instructional management decisions. Through technology, Educators and students will access a wealth of materials, services, and networks throughout the state, nation, and world. Technology does not replace the Educator, but rather supports and enhances the educational process.

We specialize in building tailor-made learning experiences of a lifetime.


Computer Support​

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