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NCA will make a detailed analysis of school's requirement, make feasibility studies and provide tailored solution that will work best for them. Our solution and approach ranges from provision of adequate ICT infrastructure, curriculum, content, E-learning and assessment, record management and e-filing, training capacity building and change management.


In order to ease the integration of ICT in education The provision of computers, LAN, internet, digital equipments, telecommunications, in addition to access to radio and TV, will require essential infrastructure (technical, physical, and human resources) to be made available in our educational institutions, taking into consideration proper space, connectivity, security, overall environment and particular emphasis on resolving the main challenge residing in the lack of electricity. Such infrastructure is expected to provide support and service to all stakeholders in education, including students, Educators, parents, administrators and managers.


To allow Educators focus more on imparting knowledge on students and taking them off the work load of student record management and result computation, and also give parents easy access to their ward performance even before the final results are computed, a complete integrated system that provides solution for computing, compiling and managing students' records based on the national policy on education is needed to solve the aforementioned problems. North Carolina and Associate (NCA) in partnership with FlexiSaf Tech Solutions Ltd which has been in existence for more than 5 years and has provided SAF school management which has proved to be very robust, flexible and effective. More than 100 schools in different parts of the country have benefited from SAF School Management Software. SAF SMS is very feature rich and encompasses all the different components of a good students' records management system.


For successfully integrating ICT in education, curriculum revisions need to be continually conducted, along with training on ICT and ICT enabled teaching and learning. As ICT is a cross cutting tool, it is not only sufficient to teach it as a subject, cross disciplinary instruction whereby ICT is integrated as a pedagogical tool for teaching and learning is encouraged. Teaching using ICT, requires concerted efforts to shift teaching methods towards a more learner-centered and interactive methods, whereby the Educator takes more of a facilitator role and moving away from the direct instructional Chalk-&-Talk approach. Initially schools can tap into existing Open Source solutions to deliver robust, secure and cost effective systems, integrating it in the teaching and learning practices, meanwhile, working on the development of their own electronic material. Electronic content is not limited to electronic curricula, but can be simple digital content using flash, or digital camera or even a mobile phone.


In delivering the training, and given the wide applicability of ICT for training and professional development, ICT-enabled training methods will be fully explored, including distance education, e-learning, and blended learning. Training will be offered by our professionals and partners on a continuous basis to enable staff and other stakeholders to keep up to date with technological and pedagogical developments.
Educators are the main instrument for bringing about the desired improvements in learning, the education sector consists of policy makers, administrators, Educators, students, and parents and other relevant stakeholders all are responsible for contributing to the task of ensuring that educational goals are achieved.


As teaching management systems become the portal for learning, they must integrate with other systems on campus. Although these functionalities could be housed within the LMS, many are quite specialized and would require their own system architecture.
In this case the LMS must provide seamless integration.

The learning management system enables project-based learning. The calendar, discussion boards, e-mail, and grouping tool inside the LMS make the logistics and management of science projects, social studies projects and others easier for the educator to control and assess. It also allows the educator an opportunity to explain to students and parents about the connections between the standards being studied and the project requirements.

  1. Professional Development Needs Analysis

  2. Consult with administrators and educators as they adopt and evaluate new teaching practices as part of their continuing professional development;

  3. Provide opportunities to develop and refine foundational teaching skills through workshops, seminars, and individual consultations;

  4. Strategic Consulting for Schools, Districts and Governments

  5. Flipped Bootcamp & Specialized Workshop Topics (Flipped Mastery)

  6. Customized Flipped Training for Your Business

  7. Development and Implementation of an Online Testing/Assessment

  8. Blended Curriculum development and scheme of work mapping that encourage smart leaners and smart classroom.

  9. Implementing and applying state-of-the-art technology (e.g. Multimedia PowerPoint Presentations, Researching on the Internet,     E-Learning, Blended Learning Models, M-Learning, Multimedia Projectors Application, etc.) into the teaching and learning programme;

  10. Development and Implementation of a World-class School Improvement Plan (WOCSIP)


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